"Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary lovers into soul mates.
That is the grandeur of Tantra. It can transform the whole earth."
The word "tantra's" literal translation from Sanskrit means: “to weave” or “to extend." A friend, and Russian word historian, shared once that the root words "tan" and "ra" come together to mean “dance of God.”
While these definitions may give one sense of tantra, there is so much more that is revealed through this concept, energy, practice, experience, philosophy, state of being and exchange, that tantra will likely have a different meaning for everyone who enters it's realm.
For me, tantra is a way of being with one-another that allows for the opening of an inner portal where all that are present, and in ripples beyond, are gifted the nectar of the universe.
Tantra is worship of one-another,
and through one another, worship of The Divine.
Tantra is a wave ~ a plane of pleasure and healing life energy.
Tantra is sensuality, realized and embodied.
Tantra is a devoted offering of our body’s and our mind’s attention to one-another.
Tantra is a subtle, feeling type of communication, spoken through the body.
Tantra is a supremely blissful way to connect with another in the present moment.
Tantra is direct, conscious connection to Source.
Tantra is the human experience of God-dess.
Tantric practices are so powerful because they give rise to feelings of deep connection to one's inner self and to life as a whole. This type of connection heals and aligns the body - mind to a natural state of being.
Schedule a Tantric Touch or Tantra Training session if you would like to explore this profound and beautiful manner of connection.
Sessions and experiences are uniquely and tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Message Joy if you would like to learn more